Naruto Shippuden Uncut Set 28 DVD

Naruto Shippuden Uncut Set 28 DVD Review

The Naruto Shippuden anime has taken plenty of breaks from its ongoing Fourth Great Ninja War storyline ever since it started. Often, the series uses these breaks to cover some of the lesser-known supporting characters

Makoto Shinkai's Your Name Anime Film

5 Reasons You Need to Watch Your Name

The new Japanese animated film, Your Name, has been praised by viewers and critics alike in both its homeland, Japan, and abroad during its theatrical release. Your Name initially appears to be a basic traditional

LoveLive! The School Idol Movie Blu-ray Cover Image

Love Live! The School Idol Movie Review

After the Love Live! School Idol Project Season Two finale, which literally ended with a message asking the viewer to watch the Love Live! The School Idol Movie for the continuation of the story, it’s

Bleach Anime Series B;u-ray Set 1 Cover Artwork Featuring Ichigo

Bleach Anime Series Blu-ray Set 1 Review

Upon its initial release, the Bleach anime was one of the more-popular series on the market where it rivalled hits such as Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, and the other relatively new anime series at

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